Well, I contacted Tumbleweed but their products are way out of our price
range for what we are looking for. Their MailGate appliance sounds great
but it lists at 4k. We've already invested 3k plus subscriptions into the
Barracua so it is very hard to justify spending another 4k plus around 350 a
year for a device that does the same thing as the barracuda with a few extra
features. They also have a software suite available but it runs $2,500 and
it would put us in the same boat. We have a good working spam filtering
solution in place. All we want to do is be able to audit incoming and
outgoing emails. There must be an application out there that works with
exchange and uses credentials to monitor mail transactions. We are a small
company (50 - 60 users) but due to the nature of our business we rely
heavily on high availability and focus strongly on security and auditing.
We are running Exchange 2003 in a Windows 2003 Enterprise active/passive
clustered environment. Surely someone has accomplished this without the use
of spam filtering software.
Post by Martin BlackstoneYou should be able to get a demo unit from them.
Post by AndrewThanks. I'll give them a call today and let you know how it turns out.
Post by Susanyes...Tumbleweed is what we use right now, and it takes care of this
type of request quite nicely...
Susan Conkey [MVP]
Post by Martin BlackstoneYou need to look at mail security products.
Take a look at Tumbleweed.
Post by AndrewI called them yesterday and they verified that it was not a capability
of the Spam Firewall 300. I need something that will run and catch
emails in real time without user intervention and notify management. I
cannot have notifcations for every domain blacklisted and every keyword
that gets blocked dumped into a mailbox. Our management does not have
the time or patience to filter through a huge list of emails not to
mention that our Barracuda blocks almost 3000 messages a day.
Post by artie langePost by Susanare you sure Barracuda cannot do this? have you contacted them to ask?
Barracuda can surely do this, you can quarantine a message the
manager for their approval to deliver.