You will not see a much better fix until Exchange 14. Just to add a little
more information to this as well. If you have Public Folders that are mail
enabled and addressable from the Internet this would lead to this problem..
Mailbox stores tend to get this more since it has to promote all props for
all emails coming in to the mailbox. Custom forms with custom props can also
cause this problem as well.
1. It is important to understand how Named Property gets added to the
information store. Named props do not come from a specific mailbox; they are
common to the mailbox store as a whole. Every time a mailbox in the store
gets a new message with a unique X-Header that's not in the props table, the
store will add it to the props table.
2. Most customers do add additionally 3rd party software such as spam
filtering software which also adds X-Headers and those will also get added
to the named props table.
3. Finally any 3rd party applications which create additional MAPI
properties, those properties are also added to the table.
4. There is no way to clear out this table unless you create a new mailbox
store!! As explained before you can move mailboxes off this store to a new
store and have a new named props table which is not full. Remember that you
will only have 32K of space available for named props.
To answer your question about the performance counter, you can monitor the
number of rows in the named props table by looking at the following
performance counter: MSExchangeIS Mailbox -> Rows in NamedProps Table ->
<Name of store>.
You will have to enabled advanced store counters to expose this value and
you can look at the following link on how to do this:
Bare in mind that this performance counter will *only* help you monitor how
close to the edge you are getting as far as availability of rows in the
named props table but it will *NOT* tell you the origin of those props.
Steve gave you the best way to dump out these properties by using MFCMapi so
you can find out which X-Headers or MAPI properties take up the most space.
If you have X-Headers coming from the Internet then you may also want to use
a spam filtering solution to remove these X-Headers before they even reach
the Exchange organization.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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Post by Hunter ColemanWe're on E2k7 SP1 RU2, so I'm assuming that we're already getting any
relief that came with the exmime.dll hotfix.
The perfmon counter would be helpful for baselining and long-term growth
monitoring. As it is, we don't seem to have any way of knowing whether the
named prop cache is growing in a steady fashion, or random/bursty.
And there's no way to correlate a particular X-header (or any other entry)
in the cache to the message(s) that contain that header? So if we had an
ill-designed application generating custom named properties, or an
external SMTP host causing lots of custom named properties to generate,
how should we go about identifying that source?
Post by Stephen GriffinI don't think there's a perf counter for this - someone admin focused
might correct me.
The random headers: We've seen those, and not everything is understood
about them. We think they come from spam mail, but it's also possible
they're coming from non-english mail that may have used foreign character
sets (like asian character sets) in the headers. Headers like that did
This fix reduces the number of those randomly generated headers that can
get into the database. The cache referred to in the article is not
actually the named prop cache, but the fix has an effect on both. With
that fix applied (or any fix that puts exmime.dll >= 6.5.7653.20) you
should see a reduction in the number of those type of headers getting
promoted to the named prop cache. Of course, the fix won't clean up the
ones that are already there - to do that you'd need to move the
mailboxes. :)
Post by Hunter ColemanThank you for those links.
Are there any perfmon counters that will show what the named property
count is for a store?
When I dump the named property table for one store, I see entries such as
<NamedPropName>sz: "x-antivirus-konceptio" and
<NamedPropName>sz: "x-sender-reputation"
that are fairly obvious as to their source. However, I'm also seeing
I want to identify the internet messages that have those 'randomly
generated' X-headers and look into the system/gateway that is creating
them; how can I associate those named property entries with the
message(s) that contain the corresponding X-headers?
Post by Stephen Griffin
Note that acknowledgement that named property exhaustion could be used
as a basis for a Denial of Service attack. We're not trying to hide
Cannot create any more MAPI named properties -
Understanding the Impact of Named Property and Replica Identifier
Limits on Exchange Databases -
How to configure quota settings for named properties and for replica
identifiers in Exchange Server 2003 and in Exchange Server 2007 -
Events 9666, 9667, 9668, and 9669 Received When Named Properties or
Replica Identifiers Are Depleted for An Exchange Database -
If you're looking to dump the named property table, make sure you're
using an uncached profile (else you'll just be looking at the named
prop table for the OST), then open your mailbox and run "Property
Pane"/"Find All Named Props (SLOW)"
Post by Hunter ColemanSteve-
Yes, we agree that it sucks. And while it likely doesn't change our
options for fixing the situation, I respectfully disagree that you
(Microsoft) are "doing our best to help everyone cope with it."
Check through your Exchange 2007 Planning and Architecture
documentation, and Deployment documentation, and Operations
documentation. I have yet to find a reference to the named properties
exhaustion problem. There is a bunch of information about sizing
databases for I/O, backup and restore, etc, but it all looks like a
ghost town with tumbleweeds rolling through when it comes to MAPI
named properties. Where is the information about this on the EHLO
blog? Try searching for "MapiExceptionNamedPropsQuotaExceeded" at; not much there, eh? Could you provide some
details on how to "download a copy of MFCMapi and logon to the
information store and dump out the Named Props table."?
My impression (opinion only) is that you (Microsoft) have a very
uncomfortable situation and are hoping that the spotlight doesn't
shine in this area. I mean, you have a great product in terms of
stability, scalability, fault tolerance, clustering and such, but the
very real possibility that any deployment receiving reasonably large
amounts of internet email is going to start dropping messages. Not
exactly a strong selling point, is it? But your customers need to be
aware of this up front during the design stage of their
upgrade/rollout if the best you can offer for mitigation is to move
mailboxes to a new store. From an operational and administrative
standpoint, that's a remarkably poor solution and we need something
Post by Stephen GriffinYes - it sucks. We're all in agreement on this. But it's the way
things are, and as long as MAPI property values are 32 bit numbers
with only 16 bits available for the unique identifier, that's the way
things will continue to be. It's a bad situation and we're doing our
best to help everyone cope with it.
This scenario (and others) are part of why we don't recommend placing
so many users in a single database. You can put them all on the same
server - just break up the databases so you have far fewer users per
database. The named prop issue will take much longer to appear,
migration to a new database if it does appear will be much faster,
and backup/restore times will be much shorter. I'm sure someone
around here's got a link to our official guidance if you want some
numbers to help.
Post by Karl MitschkeHello Dgoldman [MSFT],
Post by Dgoldman [MSFT]You dont want to increase the limit because down the road all you are
going to do is hit it and have the same problem. You can download a
copy of MFCMapi and logon to the information store and dump out the
Named Props table. Essentially the only way to fix it (the correct
way) is move the users to a new information store and also to stop the
program from creating so many named props.
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Are you kidding me?
We get 1 million mail messages a month. If only a very small
percentage of thes have a rogue header like
"x-david-mailscanner-spamcheck" and soon we will have to move all
14000 users to new databases?
That's insane!