CDO Access Denied to Mailbox after move to 2007 Server
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Scott Townsend
2007-07-25 21:12:50 UTC
We have an Application running on a SQL Server that opens up users mailboxes
and adds appointments to their calendars. It works great and has been for

We are in the process of migration to Exchange 2007. We moves some
mailboxes over to the 2007 Server and now the Application cant access the
mailboxes that we moved to the new Server. The user that the Code is
running on has been given Full Control to all Mailboxes. It is listed as an
Administrator in the Exchange Admins Org Config.

The command I'm executing is:
Set objTopFolder = objInfoStore.RootFolder
The Error I'm getting is:

Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump
Step Error Description:The number of failing rows exceeds the maximum
specified. (Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump
(80020101): Error Code: 1285
Error Source= Collaboration Data Objects
Error Description: [Collaboration Data Objects -
[MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER(8004011D)]] Error on Line 95)
Step Error code: 8004206A
Step Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp
Step Error Help Context ID:0

Where do I go from here?
2007-07-26 06:56:51 UTC
Hi Scott,
Post by Scott Townsend
We have an Application running on a SQL Server that opens up users
mailboxes and adds appointments to their calendars. It works great and
has been for years.
We are in the process of migration to Exchange 2007. We moves some
mailboxes over to the 2007 Server and now the Application cant access the
mailboxes that we moved to the new Server. The user that the Code is
running on has been given Full Control to all Mailboxes. It is listed as
an Administrator in the Exchange Admins Org Config.
I assume that Ex2007 does not have a public folder store and that you use
CDO from the Exchange Server 2003 management tools?
As far as I know only the new standalone package of MAPI/CDO for Exchange
2007 can connect to a server without a public folder store. To make things
more complicate that standalone CDO package does not connect to Exchange
2003 because of this new feature. You have to install a hotfix for Exchange
2003 to that the new CDO package can connect.

So you might try to create a public folder store to use the "old" CDO to
connect to Ex2003 and Ex2007.

Scott Townsend
2007-07-26 14:16:35 UTC
Thank you for the Reply...

So on my Exchange install already has a Public Folder Store.

Under Server Configuration/Mailbox/Second Storage Group there is a 'Public
Folder Database'
Last Backup: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:12:18 PM
Status: Mounted
Last Modified : Thursday, April 19, 2007 5:11:20 PM
Which I think was around when it was installed.

I think it has something to do with Permissions.

From within the Outlook Client I used to be able to open Everyone's InBox
(File Open Other Users Folder)

Now I cant open 99% of the InBoxes that are on the 2007 server. I can
however open the Calendars of those people, just not the InBox.

There is one user on the 2007 Server I can open His InBox, though looking at
the Folder Permissions, there does not seem to be anything specific for me
in there.

In 2003 there was a way to look at the 'Mailbox Rights' it does not seem to
appear in the 2007 Management console. In the 2003 ADUG I can see the
mailbox rights and it has listed the users and Groups that I want to have
access to the Mailboxes. The User on the SQL Server that is trying to access
the Mailbox is a Member of the Exchange Org Admin group.

Any Suggestions?

Post by SvenC
Hi Scott,
Post by Scott Townsend
We have an Application running on a SQL Server that opens up users
mailboxes and adds appointments to their calendars. It works great and
has been for years.
We are in the process of migration to Exchange 2007. We moves some
mailboxes over to the 2007 Server and now the Application cant access the
mailboxes that we moved to the new Server. The user that the Code is
running on has been given Full Control to all Mailboxes. It is listed as
an Administrator in the Exchange Admins Org Config.
I assume that Ex2007 does not have a public folder store and that you use
CDO from the Exchange Server 2003 management tools?
As far as I know only the new standalone package of MAPI/CDO for Exchange
2007 can connect to a server without a public folder store. To make things
more complicate that standalone CDO package does not connect to Exchange
2003 because of this new feature. You have to install a hotfix for
Exchange 2003 to that the new CDO package can connect.
So you might try to create a public folder store to use the "old" CDO to
connect to Ex2003 and Ex2007.
2007-07-27 09:37:40 UTC
Post by Scott Townsend
Thank you for the Reply...
I think it has something to do with Permissions.
Post by Scott Townsend
From within the Outlook Client I used to be able to open Everyone's InBox
(File Open Other Users Folder)
Now I cant open 99% of the InBoxes that are on the 2007 server. I can
however open the Calendars of those people, just not the InBox.
The user needs extended rights send-as and receive-as. Check this article:

Also google for AdminSDHolder. You will find articles explaining how admin
accounts are effected of having extended rights removed automatically.

Dgoldman [MSFT]
2007-08-10 00:53:29 UTC
Make sure when you use AdminSDHolder you dont have an account that is part
of the an administartors group otherwise you will get restricted again. The
permissions model changes slightly. If you need MAPI access to mailboxes you
need to make sure that the account you are using as admin rights on the
information store so you can access those tables, otherwise you wont be
connecting :)
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Post by SvenC
Post by Scott Townsend
Thank you for the Reply...
I think it has something to do with Permissions.
Post by Scott Townsend
From within the Outlook Client I used to be able to open Everyone's InBox
(File Open Other Users Folder)
Now I cant open 99% of the InBoxes that are on the 2007 server. I can
however open the Calendars of those people, just not the InBox.
Also google for AdminSDHolder. You will find articles explaining how admin
accounts are effected of having extended rights removed automatically.