WebNav support for exchange2003 Tasks
(too old to reply)
2008-02-26 15:44:00 UTC

I am in the middle of developing a client application that is required to
syncronize Exchange2003 data with the client application's SQLserver2005
data store.

After researching the various API available to Add/Change/Delete/Retrieve
ExchangeServer2003 data remotely, I have begun to program this feature of my
application using WebNav HttpRequests and HttpResponses.

I am able to sucessfully sync exchange2003 calendar and email items, but
when I started to program exchange tasks, I found that there is apparnetly no
WebNav support for exchange2003 Tasks.?.

Can someone please give me some insite into how I can
Add/Change/Delete/Retrieve Exchange2003 tasks from a remote client
applicatoin. I would prefer to do it through the WebNav API, but if that is
not possible, then can you please let me know of any alternative API mehods
that I can use to have this functionality ?
Henning Krause [MVP - Exchange]
2008-02-26 21:03:09 UTC
Hi Chuck,

I assume you are using WebDAV, not WebNAV :-)

Tasks are officially only supported with Outlook Automation or Exchange 2007
WebServices. That said, you easily manipulate tasks once you know which
properties to set.

You can find some infos on http://www.cdolive.com/cdo10.htm.

If you take a look at my website (http://www.infinitec.de), you will find a
program called Mistaya there - It can help you to discover the necessary
properties. Outlook Spy is another option.

And in my WebDAV library (available with source from my website) contains a
file called WellknownProperties.cs.

It contains WebDAV property definitions for nearly the complete Outlook
Object model.

Kind regards,
Henning Krause
Post by Chuck
I am in the middle of developing a client application that is required to
syncronize Exchange2003 data with the client application's SQLserver2005
data store.
After researching the various API available to Add/Change/Delete/Retrieve
ExchangeServer2003 data remotely, I have begun to program this feature of my
application using WebNav HttpRequests and HttpResponses.
I am able to sucessfully sync exchange2003 calendar and email items, but
when I started to program exchange tasks, I found that there is apparnetly no
WebNav support for exchange2003 Tasks.?.
Can someone please give me some insite into how I can
Add/Change/Delete/Retrieve Exchange2003 tasks from a remote client
applicatoin. I would prefer to do it through the WebNav API, but if that is
not possible, then can you please let me know of any alternative API mehods
that I can use to have this functionality ?
2008-02-27 18:24:01 UTC

Thanks for the response. I am looking into exverything on your site.
In the meantime, any idea why this C# request wouldnt work to create a task.?.

Thanks in advance. Chuck

strApptRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<d:propertyupdate "
+ "xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" "
+ "xmlns:e=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/\" "
+ "xmlns:c=\"urn:schemas-microsoft­com:datatypes\" "
+ "xmlns:f=\"urn:schemas:mailheader:\" "
+ "xmlns:g=\"urn:schemas:httpmail:\" "
+ "<d:set>"
+ "<d:prop>"
+ "<d:contentclass>urn:content-classes:task</d:contentclass>"
+ "<e:outlookmessageclass>IPM.Task</e:outlookmessageclass>"
+ "<f:subject>Web Example Task</f:subject>"
+ "<g:textdescription>Body-Text goes here</g:textdescription>"
+ "<h:0x00008102 c:dt='float'>.25</h:0x00008102>"
+ "<h:0x00008101 c:dt='int'>1</h:0x00008101>"
+ "<h:0x00008104 c:dt=\"dateTime.tz\">2008-02-05T13:30:00.00Z</h:0x00008104>"
+ "</d:prop>"
+ "</d:set>"
+ "</d:propertyupdate>";
Henning Krause [MVP - Exchange]
2008-02-27 22:29:01 UTC
Hello Chuck,

I would suggest changing those

<h:0x00008102 c:dt='float'>.25</h:0x00008102>"


<h:0x8102 c:dt='float'>.25</h:0x8102>

and your namespace prefixed c should be


instead of


Kind regards,
Henning Krause
Post by Chuck
Thanks for the response. I am looking into exverything on your site.
In the meantime, any idea why this C# request wouldnt work to create a task.?.
Thanks in advance. Chuck
strApptRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<d:propertyupdate "
+ "xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" "
+ "xmlns:e=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/\" "
+ "xmlns:c=\"urn:schemas-microsoft­com:datatypes\" "
+ "xmlns:f=\"urn:schemas:mailheader:\" "
+ "xmlns:g=\"urn:schemas:httpmail:\" "
+ "<d:set>"
+ "<d:prop>"
+ "<d:contentclass>urn:content-classes:task</d:contentclass>"
+ "<e:outlookmessageclass>IPM.Task</e:outlookmessageclass>"
+ "<f:subject>Web Example Task</f:subject>"
+ "<g:textdescription>Body-Text goes here</g:textdescription>"
+ "<h:0x00008102 c:dt='float'>.25</h:0x00008102>"
+ "<h:0x00008101 c:dt='int'>1</h:0x00008101>"
+ "<h:0x00008104
+ "</d:prop>"
+ "</d:set>"
+ "</d:propertyupdate>";
2008-02-28 14:21:01 UTC
Henning, FYI, taking out these lines, allows the Task to be created, but w/o
most of the fields loaded.
+ "<h:0x00008102 c:dt='float'>.25</h:0x00008102>"
+ "<h:0x00008101 c:dt='int'>1</h:0x00008101>"
+ "<h:0x00008104 c:dt=\"dateTime.tz\">2008-02-

This works ...
strApptRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<d:propertyupdate "
+ "xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" "
+ "xmlns:e=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/\" "
+ "xmlns:f=\"urn:schemas:mailheader:\" "
+ "xmlns:g=\"urn:schemas:httpmail:\" "
+ "<d:set>"
+ "<d:prop>"
+ "<d:contentclass>urn:content-classes:task</d:contentclass>"
+ "<e:outlookmessageclass>IPM.Task</e:outlookmessageclass>"
+ "<f:subject>Web Example Task</f:subject>"
+ "<g:textdescription>Body-Text goes here</g:textdescription>"
+ "</d:prop>"
+ "</d:set>"
+ "</d:propertyupdate>";
2008-02-28 14:28:01 UTC
Henning, Thanks for all of your help and advice. I really appreciate it. I
implemented your 2 suggestions, but the resulted in the same "404 Bad
Request" error.

Can you think of anything else that I may be doing different that would
cause this not to work?

strApptRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<d:propertyupdate "
+ "xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" "
+ "xmlns:e=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/\" "
+ "xmlns:c=\"urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/\" "
+ "xmlns:f=\"urn:schemas:mailheader:\" "
+ "xmlns:g=\"urn:schemas:httpmail:\" "
+ "<d:set>"
+ "<d:prop>"
+ "<d:contentclass>urn:content-classes:task</d:contentclass>"
+ "<e:outlookmessageclass>IPM.Task</e:outlookmessageclass>"
+ "<f:subject>Web Example Task</f:subject>"
+ "<g:textdescription>Body-Text goes here</g:textdescription>"
+ "<h:0x8102 c:dt='float'>.25</h:0x8102>"
+ "</d:prop>"
+ "</d:set>"
+ "</d:propertyupdate>";
